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Is DARS-TX a 501(c)(3) charitable organization?

DARS-TX is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our EIN is 93-3921356.

Is DARS-TX a non-profit organization in Texas?

DARS was officially formed as a non-profit corporation on October 09, 2023, we registered with the Texas Secretary of State. Our SOS file number is 805257424.

Is Dude's Animal Ranch & Sanctuary Inc. known by any other name?

Dude's Animal Ranch & Sanctuary Inc. operates under the name DARS-TX, our "Assumed Name" was offically formed on November 01, 2023, we registered with the Texas Secritary of State. Our SOS file number is 805257424.

Can I adopt a pet through DARS-TX?

ABSOLUTELY, please click here to see all our adoptable fur babies.

Can I volunteer with DARS-TX?

Yes, we are always looking for others to lend a helping who share our same love for all animals. Please click here for more information.

How can I apply to work at DARS-TX?

No, we are a non-profit organization, we are 100% volunteer run.

Where can I find DARS-TX's financial information?

We are committed to transparency in all aspects of our operations. Please visit our Financial Statements page.

Where can I find DARS-TX's annual report?

Please take a moment to explore our Annual Report and celebrate the accomplishments that have made a significant difference in the lives of animals.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Your gift is tax-deductible per local regulations, as we are a tax-exempt organization.


Our donation partner will email or mail you a donation receipt, depending on how your donation was made. Please keep this, as it is your official record to claim this donation as a tax deduction.

How can I make a donation?

Online Donations:


Mail Donations: Mail your check, or money order donations to the following address:


Dude's Animal Ranch & Sanctuary

Post Office Box 341

Fulshear, Texas 77441-1512

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